Saturday, August 2, 2008

Something "buggy"

Well, it's tax free weekend here in Alabama, which I strongly support. This is the 3rd year we have waived taxes statewide on clothing items, school supplies, etc. So, I ventured out today, despite my better judgment to go to a retailer on a Saturday, with everyone and their brother there as well.

My best friends youngest child is turning 3 years old next weekend. Being the best "uncle" I can be, meant a venture out in search of a birthday present for a soon-to-be 3 year old. I called to inquire as to what would be a good gift for this particular 3 year old. The answer.....bugs. So, off I go in search of something "buggy."

There is a great educational store (locally owned by one of the biggest Auburn fans I have ever met) in downtown Prattville, called The Turtle Shell. The owner is a good friend of mine...naturally I set out to find her in the store, as I was in search of "something buggy." Needless to say, she had so many things related to bugs, that I ended up having a great time looking at bugs in the middle of the store.

The final purchase was a great Bug Alphabet Book, a sleeve of "Bunch of Bugs" little plastic bugs, and the best of all....Preying Mantis Sunglasses. So, my little "nephew" will get to experience what a bug sees because the glasses have prisms inside to give the effect of having bug eyes. You can also flip the prism back and look through regular eyes.

It's back to school soon here in Alabama. The store was packed with parents, teachers, and of course kids. However, I think I had more fun than the kids when I was in search of "something buggy."

1 comment:

Looking to move! said...

You have got to be one of the best "Uncle's" out there.
I don't recall getting gifts from my uncles.
Way to go, even if it was bugs!!